The 24 activities of the information measure were organised in 6 Work Packages (WP) as follows: WP1, 5 and 6 are framework packages that support the whole implementation of the campaign; WP 2, 3 and 4 meet the specific objectives (i), (ii) and (iii) respectively.

Work Package 1: Start up

Activity 1.1. Project team composition

Activity 1.2. Development of set of documents, plans and templates for the project’s management, implementation, monitoring,  and evaluation

Activity 1.3. Inauguration and awareness raising:

 Development of a multilingual website of the campaign (BG,RO, EN);

(i)     Creation of a Facebook group/page and a YouTube Channel supported in Bulgarian, Romanian and English;

(ii)    Organisation of 4 promotional press conferences - Varna and Constanta (urban),  Dobrich and Megidia (rural/agricultural centres)

(iii)   development and distribution of informative letters to stakeholder organisations, such as branch associations in agriculture, universities, youth associations, regional offices of the Ministry of Agriculture in Bulgaria and of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Romania).

Work Package 2: Promoting the Social Functions of Agriculture and the CAP Support for Sustainable Development

Activity 2.1. Development of a data-base of companies/farms that deal with organic farming and sustainable intensification of agriculture in the BG-RO CBC region (including ones that received and did not received support under Pillar 2 of CAP during the previous programming period)

Activity 2.2. Conducting of interviews with 10 selected farmers/agricultural enterprises from the data-base  and developing of short video-spots (with subtitles in BG&RO)

Activity 2.3. Airing the spots on YouTube and Facebook

Activity 2.4. Printing and dissemination of a best-practice catalogue “Social Functions of Agriculture and CAP Support for Sustainable Development”  in Bulgarian and Romanian language. Publishing of electronic version of the catalogue on campaign web-site and social media spaces.

Activity 2.5. Organisation of a CBC on-line competition for business plans for sustainable agriculture according to the CAP Priorities for 2014-2020; Selection of the 10 best ideas by an expert team, composed by representatives of the business, universities/research entities and public administration/local offices of the Ministries of Agriculture

Activity 2.6. Organisation of a publicity event for presenting the winning business plans in Varna (Bulgaria), including live-stream.

Work Package 3: Capacity building for farmers and agricultural entrepreneurs to engage in sustainable agricultural practices through CAP 

Activity 3.1. Development and printing of a training kit focused on the new elements of the support schemes of the national rural development plans in Bulgaria and Romania, including a cross-comparison section and clarifications

Activity 3.2. Organisation of training sessions for clarifying the new aspects of the CAP and the Pillar 2 support schemes in particular;

·         Three training sessions in Bulgaria (Dobrich, Ruse and Targovishte) – 2 days each, 20 participants

·         Three training sessions in Romania (Constanta, Megidia and Craiova) – 2 days each, 20 participants

Activity 3.3. Organisation of a multiplier networking event for BG and RO farmers (participants in Activity 2) aimed to train farmers how to support other representatives of their communities to apply for Pillar 2 funding, including live-stream – 30 participants (15 from BG and 15 from RO) in Varna, Bulgaria; live streamed on the Internet and advertised in the Social Media.

Activity 3.4. Development and distribution of a campaign poster, advertising the new support opportunities under Pillar 2 during the new programming period. The posters will be distributed among the local authorities in the BG-RO CBC region.

Work Package 4: Promotion of CAP-driven sustainable agriculture through the local authorities in the BG-RO CBC region

Activity 4.1. Organization of 2 public discussions of the sustainable development opportunities through CAP in the Bulgaria-Romania CBC Region - Targovishte (Bulgaria) and Constanta (Romania), including live-stream, with 30 participants in each event – representatives of local and regional authorities, regional representations of the national agricultural advice bodies, researchers, small farmers and owners of small agricultural enterprises, citizens from the BG-RO CBC Region.

Activity 4.2. Organisation of a discussion panel “Sustainable Local Development through CAP: Opportunities until 2020” within the programme of the Annual Agricultural fair in Dobrich 2016, including live-stream; 

Activity 4.3. Organisation of an Exhibition of Bio-Food and Bio-Products with presentation on how bio-food can be included in the public catering services managed by the local administrations – school catering, university canteens, cooking and healthy life-style classes – Varna (Bulgaria) – hosted by the Culinary Arts Institute of the Varna University of Management; 2 days and life-streamed on the Internet.

Work Package 5: CAP-driven Sustainability – Media Campaign

Activity 5.1. Development of printed media package (including expert articles) related to the new focus of CAP on improved environmental performance and public mission of agriculture  (20 targeted articles)

Activity 5.2. Publication and release of the printed media package materials in BG and RO media

Activity 5.3. Publication of all project materials on the website of the project and the social media spaces

Activity 5.4. Development of 10-min. long informational film under the title “How to grow our food today and not ruin the food of our children” and a 30-seconds TV spot from the film material

Activity 5.5. Airing of the informational film in national and regional TVs in the BG-RO CBC region (5 times)

Activity 5.6. Airing of radio-spots and organisation of three targeted radio broadcast sessions on a national radio.

Work Package 6: Finalisation of the project

Activity 6.1. Press-conferences for dissemination of project’s results in Dobrich (BG) and Constanta (RO)

Activity 6.2. Production and dissemination of a leaflet with project results to all stakeholders; BG and RO versions

Activity 6.3. Evaluation and report development


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